Enrollment FAQ
Central Office
215 N. State Street
Big Rapids, MI 49307
Phone: 231-796-9041, ext. 201 Fax: 231-527-1468
- How can I enroll my child(ren) at Crossroads Charter Academy?
On a computer:
Visit www.ccabr.org, hover over the Enroll tab and click on Enroll Online. Follow the link to enroll using Skyward.
On a mobile device:
Visit www.ccabr.org, click the menu in the upper right hand corner and click on Enroll > Enroll Online. Follow the link to enroll using Skyward.
School of Choice does not apply to Crossroads as our district is the entire State of Michigan, this allows any student an opportunity to attend providing there is a place in the grade requested. Charter Schools are allowed to set the size limit of classrooms. If the grade level is full, the student goes on a waiting list until an opening occurs. Waiting List students are notified immediately throughout the school year when an opening becomes available. We encourage families to take the opening if they want their student to attend Crossroads, and it is prior to the 4th quarter of the school year.
- Where can I purchase Crossroads Shirts?
Big Rapids Trophy & Tees, 108 S. Michigan Ave., Big Rapids, MI 49307
Dezigns with Loni, 819 N State St, Big Rapids, MI 49307
Land’s End Online
- Do you provide transportation?
Yes. We provide satellite bus stops in several surrounding communities. Many families transport their own children or use Big Rapids transit Dial-A-Ride; MOTA—Mecosta Osceola Transit Authority, and carpool.
- Do you need the official birth certificate?
Yes! It is a Michigan requirement that schools see (and may copy for the student’s file) the original state birth certificate. This is to verify that the child is being enrolled by the parent/guardian. If other than parents court documentation will be requested.
- Do you have Special Education Services?
Crossroads maintains a great staff of Special Education Teachers, Title I Teacher and Paraprofessionals, as well as At-Risk Paraprofessionals. All students have access to whatever services may be needed to help them be successful in school. We encourage communication between staff and parents in order to stay informed of concerns and possible need for further testing, and/or services.
- Immunization records:
Immunizations are required for children to be in school. If parents/guardians do not choose to immunize their child(ren), they must go to the local health department and go through the process of requesting a waiver. Updated immunization records/or current health department waiver should be given to the school as soon as completed.
- Do you have Sports at CCA?
We are an MHSAA Member and have a full sports schedule with the WMD League.
Basketball—Boys and Girls
Cross Country
Soccer—Boys and Girls
Track & Field
- Do you have Dual Enrollment?
CCA students take Dual Enrollment classes through FSU at the FSU Campus and
FSU instructors on CCA’s campus, along with Baker College online courses.
- Do you have Career Center?
CCA students take classes at the Mecosta-Osceola Career Center, usually in the afternoon during CCA’s 5th and 6th periods.
- Do you have after school activities for students?
We have a variety of after school clubs and activities that vary from year to year based on student interest including outside groups using our facilities.
We are currently offering*:
Cross Country Club K-5
Destination Imagination
Girls On The Run
Girl Scouts
Lego Robotics
Parent Teacher Connect Monthly Evening Events
Soccer Cub Club Training
Ski Club
*Please check with the building principal for an updated list, as many clubs are added throughout the school year.
- How do you handle Bullying?
Our Bullying policy is included in the Board of Directors Policy Manual on the website.
- What is your dress code?
The dress code is printed in the Student/Parent Handbook and on our website.
- How do you handle discipline?
Our discipline policies and procedures are in the Student/Parent Handbook and on our website.
- Do you retain students or move them forward when needed?
CCA promotes and retains for K-12 students based on administrative/teacher/academic performance/parent input.